
Talks, workshops, side events and evenings

Video records from previous years

You can access the records of the talks from the previous years on our Youtube channel.

Download the program

You can download the program in PDF here:

Rump session

If you want to propose a 5-minute talk, please send us a proposal.

Thursday 7th November 2019

08:30 - 09:00 Welcome and coffee
09:00 - 09:15
opening Opening words
Sylvain Pasini (HEIG-VD, president of Black Alps)
09:15 - 10:00
k01 Google Bug Hunters (EN)
Eduardo Vela Nava (Google)
10:00 - 10:10 Room change
10:10 - 11:00
06 New Tales of Wireless Input Devices (EN)
Matthias Deeg
Gerhard Klostermeier
03 Ethereum : Taking Control of Smart Contracts (FR)
Olivier Kopp (HEIG-VD)
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 - 12:20
10 OS X RAM forensic analysis - Extracting encryption keys and other secrets (FR)
Léo Cortès
04 Computing on Encrypted Data: a Survey (EN)
Pascal Junod (Snap Inc.)
12:20 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 14:50
02 Building Your Own WAF as a Service and Forgetting about False Positives (EN)
Juan Berner
17 Blockchain vulnerabilities and exploitation in practice (EN/FR)
Nils Amiet (Kudelski Security)
18 Badge (EN/FR)
Nicolas Oberli (Kudelski Security)
15 Hash collision exploitation (EN)
Ange Albertini (Google)
14:50 - 15:40
07 No More Whack-a-Mole: How to Find and Prevent Entire Classes of Security Vulnerabilities (EN)
Sam Lanning
15:40 - 16:10 Coffee break
16:10 - 17:00
05 Maintaining cryptographic library for 11 languages: fun stories and epic bugs (EN)
Anastasiia Voitova (Cossack Labs)
17:00 - 17:20 Coffee break / Welcome to special event
17:20 - 19:00 Special event - Smart Trains: does rail cybersecurity matter? (room TR1)
19:00 - 19:30 Aperitif

19:30 - 19:45 Travel
(Bus or personnal car)
(Bus departure at 19:35)
19:45 - 22:45 Networking dinner @Grand Hotel des Bains
Mandatory registration
23:00 (Bus departure at 23:00)

Friday 8th November 2019

08:45 - 09:15 Welcome and coffee
09:15 - 10:00
k02 Cyber-Security: No risks no fun? (EN)
Florian Schuetz (Swiss confederation)
10:00 - 10:10 Room change
10:10 - 11:00
12 Swisscom Bug Bounty - Retour d'un chercheur (FR)
Daniel Le Gall
09 On Verifiable Delay Functions - How to Slow Burning the Planet Down (Verifiably) (EN)
Antonio Sanso (Adobe)
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 - 12:20
13 The inner guts of a connected glucose sensor for diabetes (EN)
Axelle Apvrille (Fortinet)
Travis Goodspeed
08 Nouveaux métiers et formations dans la cybersécurité (FR)
Lennig Pedron (ICON NGO)
12:20 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 14:50
01 Battle in the Clouds: Attacker vs Defender on AWS (EN)
Dani Goland (Net Alpha Financial Systems)
Mohsan Farid
16 Modern cryptography for modern applications (IoT, mobile, blockchain) (EN)
JP Aumasson
Anastasiia Voitova (Cossack Labs)
14 Hands-On Security Lab with Hacking-Lab (EN)
Nicolas Heiniger (Compass Security Schweiz AG)
Sylvain Heiniger (Compass Security Schweiz AG)
14:50 - 15:40
11 PatrOwl - Red Flavour of SOC Automation (FR)
Nicolas Mattiocco
15:40 - 16:10 Coffee break
16:10 - 17:00
19 Fuzzing Java Code With the Help of JQF (EN)
Tobias Ospelt (Pentagrid)
17:00 - 17:30 Closing aperitif

17:30 - 18:30 Closing aperitif (continued)

Rump session

(Bus departure at 17:30)

Black Alps CTF
@Cave de Bonvillars
Mandatory registration

Welcome at 17:45
Start at 18:15
End at 22:30

Awards at 22:45
18:30 - 19:00 Travel
(Bus or personnal car)
(Bus departure at 18:30)
19:00 - 23:00 Black Dinner @Cave de Bonvillars
Mandatory registration
23:15 (Bus departure at 23:15)


         Neutral - Plenary - Keynote

         Talk in the track "attacks"

         Talk in the track "lessons learned"


         Side events


Smart Trains
Does rail cybersecurity matter?

Special event

If trains are becoming "Datacenters on wheels" and infrastucture smart, how are we going to secure them? And can a moving datacenter become an issue for passenger safety? During this session, co-organised with MELANI, the speakers will dive into some of the questions that cybersecurity for Railroads pose as well as how safety norms, such as the IEC 62443, can help in securing Industrial Control Systems from cyberattacks.

The event will be in English.


The event as well as the discussion panel will be animated by Yohann Perron (AlpICT).

From 17h00 Welcome
17h20 Opening words
17h25 Cybersecurity for Digital Trains; A UK perspective (EN)George Copeland (Arriva UK Trains)
18h00 Information Security for IT and for OT: similarities as a success factor (EN)Joseph Mager (Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS))
18h35 Round table The discussion pannel will composed of the 2 speakers, Dr Robert Gomez-Reino (Cleverdist), and Julien Bachmann (Hacknowledge).
19h00 Apéritif


Black Alps participants (Regular ou VIP) is granted access by default.

For non-Black Alps participants, entry to the session is free but registration is mandatory (ticket: BlackAlps19 - Special event (7 Nov)).



Networking dinner - Thursday 7th November 2019

We will share a meal in the Grand Hôtel des Bains.

This year, the chosen theme is a cuisine from around the world:

  • Starters
    • Salad buffet
    • Gourmet tabouleh
    • Quinoa salad
    • Chicken Samosa
    • Beef Samosa
    • Spring rolls
  • Meals
    • Lamb shoulders and couscous (a sweet sauce and a spicy sauce)
    • Seafood curry
    • Tandoori chicken (spicy)
    • Traditional Paella
    • Keftas
    • Sides: hummus, naan bread, pita bread, falafel plain rice, fried potatoes, vegetable wok
  • Desserts
    • Oriental sweets (gazelle horns, Baklawas, Almond ghribas)
    • Lemon pie
    • Apple pie
    • Chocolate lava cake
    • Fruit cocktail


Each participant may drive from Y-PARC to the Grand Hotel des Bains with their own car.

A bus will be organized:

  • 19:35 departure from Y-PARC (in front of the conference building) to the Grand Hotel des Bains.
  • 23:00 departure from the Grand Hotel des Bains to (1) train station and (2) Y-PARC.


Grand Hôtel des Bains
Avenue des Bains 22
CH-1400 Yverdon-les-Bains

Black Dinner - Friday 8th November 2019

Come and join us for a friendly evening on the theme of Switzerland at the Cave de Bonvillars.

A traditionally Swiss menu with:

  • dried meat (beef),
  • raclette and fondue (cheese),
  • and a dessert (cream cake).

We will meet here at 19:00.


Each participant may drive from Y-PARC to the Cave de Bonvillars with their own car.

A bus will be organized:

  • 18:30 departure from Y-PARC (in front of the conference building) to the Cave de Bonvillars.
  • 23:15 departure from the Cave de Bonvillars to (1) Yverdon-les-Bains train station, (2) Grand Hotel des Bains, and (3) Y-PARC.
  • for those who will ends later, they may take a taxi.


Cave de Bonvillars
chemin de la Cave 1
CH - 1427 Bonvillars